It is hard to believe that it was just over 5 years ago that Pam Ross Consulting was born. With it came a burning desire to change the name to something far more original and fun! When I quit the corporate world to start my own business, I was incredibly fortunate to have great clients immediately. I jumped into the work with both feet. There was not time to strategize or create a business plan or a name for the business. But the boringness of “Pam Ross Consulting” was like a plague that was spreading in my brain. I knew that one day, I’d have to come up with a business name that was a better fit.

Over the years, I came up with many name options and bought many domain names, but none felt quite right. Then one day, over wine with my friend and Impact99 colleague Alyssa Burkus, a casual brainstorm finally produced results! Somehow, in a discussion about Harley Davidson, the need for trust, purpose and freedom at work, and my “Trendsetter” archetype (from Sally Hogshead’s “Fascination Advantage”), Blue Rebel Works was born.

So What Does the Name Mean?

“Rebel” came first. Sally Hogshead’s Fascination Advantage assessment had identified my primary trigger as “Rebellion” (she’s since updated the tool and called this “innovation”). Rebellion is about creativity, new ideas, and being on the cutting edge. My propensity for Rebellion and innovation is both my greatest strength and my biggest weakness, as I am so passionate about challenging the status quo and creating new and better ways of doing things, that I often struggle with maintaining balance and structure. But my Rebellious nature also gives me courage to push my clients to try new things, energy to seek out and share the latest and greatest examples of how leaders are reinventing work, and passion to create awesome tools and strategies for them.

Then came “Blue.” Because “Rebel” can be too aggressive, and we don’t want to Rebel against everything! We use our Rebellion where it makes sense, in a trusted way. The Blue in our Rebel serves multiple purposes. First, Blue is the colour of trust. Our clients know that they can trust us to identify opportunities and communicate openly and honestly with them. They know we operate for the betterment of their organizations and teams. Trust is also core to creating a high performing organization. Blue is also the colour of freedom. We believe that the workplace of command and control is obsolete. When people have more autonomy, more freedom, at work, they can get their best work done.

And of course, it “Works”, we Work, and you get the Works when you work with us!

So Blue Rebel Works was born! Our work developing courageous leaders and high performing culture continues! We look forward to doing it under our new (and much more creative) name!

Want to know how you Fascinate?

  • You can take the free version of the Fascination Advantage assessment right HERE!
  • Sign up for our email list! You may win a free full version of the Assessment this December! (Plus, you’ll get some additional cutting edge info to help you rebel against complacency and create awesome culture at work!)